Unclaimed Funds

Unclaimed Funds

There are a surprising number of instances where excess funds are due to either creditors or debtors as beneficiaries following a bankruptcy. Similarly, there are often significant amounts left over following foreclosure of real estate.

Bankruptcies and foreclosures are complex and often take time to complete. As a result, trustees often have difficulty finding or reaching the beneficiaries upon the conclusion of the case and these excess monies are then sent to the Federal Bankruptcy Court or the appropriate state unclaimed division for safekeeping.

Bankruptcies and foreclosures are unpleasant for anyone, which is one of the reasons why many beneficiaries are skeptical that any money could be owed to them at all. Further, the sheer number of bad actors and scams in the world today should rightfully (and unfortunately) have everyone on guard.      

You need someone to trust, and someone with the experience to get the job done. Green, Richard and Trent specializes in recovering assets and work in close conjunction with Golden Law, PC, who has specialized in bankruptcy for over 25 years. Our recovery fee is 100% contingent on our ability to recover your money, so there is no fee if no recovery. This aligns both of our interest for a positive outcome.


    FDCPA Compliancy

    Green, Richard and Trent is a licensed and professional collection agency. We are respectful of others and compose our business in a manner of respect and dignity to all. As such, we are cognizant to the rights of debtors and remain fully FDCPA compliant at all times.

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